Massage Therapy Services

At Livingston Chiropractic, Dr. Livingston works closely with licensed massage therapists, who are skilled at performing treatments such as relaxation massage, medical massage, pregnancy massage, myofascial release, stretching, and KMI/body work.

Massage therapy is an excellent adjunct to chiropractic because it directly addresses the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia- integral parts of the muscloskeletal system- and assists with the management of pain, eliminating tightness and restriction of joints and provides a general well-being for patients, as they participate in their rehabilitation.

Dr. Livingston may recommend as part of your treatment program, sessions with a licensed massage therapies to speed your recovery by improving circulation to injured tissues and facilitating relaxation and flexibility.

Often, by having massage done in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitation can reduce healing time considerably, saving you previous weeks and helping you to return to work or daily activities in a timely fashion.